We are in a three-week series getting ready for summer, looking at three things in our relationship with God that are easy to let fall away this summer. What if our summer was intentional and purposeful for, yes, recreation, but also something greater than that? We have talked about Giving and Growing, and today we are talking about an area that we also often forget about in the summer—Going. Going to those around us as messengers of the hope that we have found in Christ. If you are a follower of Christ here this morning, then just like the topics of the past two weeks there is something unnatural about talking to others about the hope that we have in Jesus; something intimidating. But unlike the past two weeks, there is also something more natural about it. Giving and resting don’t come naturally to us. But spending time with people is natural for most of us during the summer because summer is a natural time to hang out with those we love and like. So in a way, we just need to let Jesus work in what we are already doing, rather than adding something new to our lives. This morning I want to look at why Scripture says we share Christ with those around us. And why sharing the hope we have with others is something relatively easy to do. And at the same time, why sharing the hope we have with others is always really hard to do.