No one likes to be unseen. We are starting a new series as a church called “Seen.” We will be looking at men and women in the Bible who were seen by God, who had an encounter with Him in a special way that changed their life. And I hope by the end of the series we will all know that we are seen by God. And that we will begin to see others whom God sees who might be feeling unseen. So we start out with one of my favorite people in the Bible. And I hope she will become one of your favorite people too. She was a foreigner and a slave, used and mistreated, with no one to see her or defend her. No one to plead her case. But she was the first person recorded in Scripture to be visited by the Angel of the Lord. And she is the first person in Scripture to ascribe a personal name to God. Her name is Hagar. And she names God ‘El-Roi’ in Hebrew, which means, “The God Who Sees Me.”