How To Really Change - 2 Corinthians 5

How many of us make New Year’s Resolutions? Over the last couple of years, an interesting trend has started with New Year’s Resolutions. Studies have found now that FEW people who make resolutions actually intend to keep them, but now they are simply made to signal a new start rather than to be a catalyst for change. So now I just say that I resolve to do something, just to signal that I want to change it. It seems that what they say is true: “A New Year's Resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. But, in all seriousness….what is it about New Year’s Day that makes us feel like we have a fresh start? Another chance? A line in the sand of change? What is it that makes us feel like on January 1st, real change is finally possible, that in our minds everything is new or at least has the possibility of being new? This Sunday we are going to look at what Scripture says about real and lasting change, and offer real and practical advice from the Bible on how we can truly change in ways that matter. In ways that move beyond simply resolving to do better.


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