Live Boldly Part 2 - Acts 2

What is the church supposed to be? What is it supposed to do? Does it exist for those already saved or does it exist for those who are still lost and drowning? Or does it somehow exist for both but in a very different way expected? We are in a series going through the book of Acts together as a church and last week we saw how the very first church was born. With God’s Holy Spirit in them the young church was bold in talking about the mighty works of God in their life. Bold in calling out and repenting of sin. Bold when they were gathered together. And bold when they were scattered during the week. And eventually the people around them took notice because these were ordinary people with extraordinary boldness in talking about Jesus and bold in how they prayed. So let’s pick up where we left off and see how that young church lived out it’s mission after the coming of the Holy Spirit. And hopefully from them learn what OUR mission should be as a church gathered and as the people of God scattered.


Live Boldly Part 3 - Acts 3-4


Live Boldly Part 1 - Acts 1-2