We are all walking around in blindness that can’t be cured unless we allow Jesus to recreate our life. Unless He reaches back into the dirt from which we are created, unites us to Him and creates us completely anew, so that we are no longer people of the dust who walk around in blindness. We are new creations in Jesus, our lives of clay united to the life of Jesus by faith, allowing us to finally see and take hold of real, eternal life. The battle for truth always starts in our mind, with our belief. Why does the world around us do what it does? It simply acts according to what it believes. Why do any of us do what we do? We always act and speak according to our belief. In order to really change, we need to change what we believe is true. Wrong actions can always be traced back to wrong belief. If the people of God start looking just like the world around us in our speech and in our actions, we need to go back and look at what is going on in our minds and in our hearts. Do we believe the same things about God, about Scripture and about ourselves as the world does? We will see from our passage this morning a heart and mind can never truly change apart from a work of God that creates us anew and gives us eyes to see.