Sacrifice is not a popular word today. There are few things as foreign to modern man as sacrifice. In a culture where we make our own truth, where we reign supreme, and we rarely say no to what our heart or our bodies long for, the idea of living a disciplined life or a life of sacrifice sounds like a prison. But the ancient wisdom of Scripture tells us that when it comes to our bodies and our souls, the things that really matter, we owe God total sacrifice rather than just lukewarm commitment. I believe that our passage today is the key to understanding what it means to be a human being, what it means to worship God, and what it means to belong fully to Christ. To live the satisfying and abundant life Jesus talked about, and to save our souls from the wide path of destruction that constantly beckons to us and our children to follow down its road. Romans 12 invites us into the life of being a living sacrifice to God.