Ruth: The Advent of A Redeemer - Ruth 1

For every good story out there, there is a prequel waiting to be told. We know this about our favorite stories, right? It’s not just about milking obscure plot lines for more cash, we simply need to know: How did the rebels get access to those Death Star plans? Where did Gollum come from? How did Wolverine get those claws? How did the witch become Wicked? Behind every good story is a prequel waiting to be known. When we think of the Christmas story we begin with the opening line of Matthew 1:18, but before verse 18 there are 17 other verses, over 40 other names. Before he gets to the birth of our Redeemer, Matthew starts the story like this. Each one of those names leading up to the birth of the Savior has a story. But only one of them gets her own book. Ruth is the only book in the Old Testament named for a non-Israelite. Jewish Rabbis consider Ruth to be the crown jewel of the Law, the Prophets and the Writings. Ruth was so important to them that they didn’t know where to put it in the order of Old Testament books because it embodies the heart and the Spirit of every single book in the Old Testament. All of Old Testament Scripture points to the coming of our Savior and redeemer. But in Ruth all of those hopes, fears and promises come to us in a story. A story about how the plan of salvation hung precariously in the balance of human sin and divine faithfulness. How Christmas was saved by an immigrant girl who was willing to give up everything to show the little town of Bethlehem what God is really like. For the next four weeks of Advent we will be in this amazing prequel to the Christmas story that I hope will quickly become one of your favorite stories.


Ruth: The Advent of A Redeemer - Ruth 2


A Jealous God - Exodus 20:4-6