I hate getting my blood drawn. I don’t really mind anything else medical, but I dread blood tests. And I don’t dread the actual test, but simply the thought of it; I can’t stop thinking about it. I actually had this thought that I wish a blood tech would just show up at my door unannounced while I am eating dinner or watching TV and just draw my blood. That way I wouldn’t have to anticipate it. That would be far less traumatic for me than to anticipate it all week. Now imagine if we knew all of the unavoidable trials that are to come in our life and exactly what they would look like. It would be hard to live life every day. We are closing out our series on Daniel over the next few Sundays, and this morning we are in Daniel 10, and God has been doing just that. For some reason, God needs Daniel to know all of the trials that will come to His people in the ages to come, even beyond his lifetime. And it is filling Daniel with crippling fear. So, what is the one thing God tells Daniel to help him to be able to stand up again even in the face of these trials that are yet to come? And could it also help you as you face trials today and trials that you know are coming? Let’s find out together in Daniel 10.