In one sense, we live in two very different worlds: first, we live in a broken world. A world of corruption, sadness, violence and evil. A world that is harsh; a world where disease and death is real. A world where tragedy happens, and there doesn’t always seem to be a good answer. A world that can make us suspicious of God and doubt God’s goodness; this is the world that we inherited from Genesis 3. But thankfully the Bible doesn’t begin there; if so we’d be missing so much. But there’s another world that we must be reminded of: the world of Genesis 1-2. In Genesis 1-2, the gate opens to a perfectly pristine and glorious world. And here’s why it’s important to be reminded of the world of Genesis 1-2; the created world tells us a lot about the character and goodness of the Creator. What we find in Genesis 1-2 is that it was perfectly glorious, because it reflected the glory of God (ft. Chad Donohoe, Pastor of Community Life at Deer Creek Church).