We are a people in love with love. And yet few have any idea what real and lasting love looks like or how it acts. It would be easy to sum up healthy relationships, whether it is romantic relationships or relationships between family or friends or neighbors, with something like “All we need is love.” But that brings up the question: What KIND of love is foundational to healthy relationships? What does that kind of love look like? Are we basing our relationships on something that looks like love, but really isn’t love at all? Is that why they are failing or stressed out? We are in a series called “The Secret to Healthy Relationships,” looking at what the Bible says about how to have relationships that are strong, growing and reflect God’s best for us. And we are doing that by going verse by verse through a book of the Bible called Ephesians. Last week we talked about forgiving others and realizing our own need to be forgiven as one of the secrets of a healthy relationship. This morning we’ll talk about our second secret to healthy relationships: having a love that gives and is satisfied, rather than a love that takes and always wants more.