The Book of Matthew, Stuck Inside Isaiah Knight The Book of Matthew, Stuck Inside Isaiah Knight

Stuck Inside - Part 1

Coronavirus has many of us stuck inside with family or roommates. But friends and family can quickly become enemies in tight spaces. Find out how to have the perspective and strength to respond in kindness even to those who wrong you and hurt you. Retaliation keeps an enemy an enemy. But what if there was a way to turn all your enemies into new found friends? We continue in our series through the book of Matthew in the Bible in this 2 part series entitled "Stuck Inside." Get unstuck from the cycle of revenge as we are all stuck inside!

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The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight

Worried Sick - Matthew 6:25-34

We worry about things we can't control. In reality there isn't much we actually can control. In times of uncertainty it is easy to simply consume information, hoard resources, and become anxious. But the Bible offers a different way. Be generous with ourselves and give thanks in prayer. And God will invade our anxiety with lasting peace.

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The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight

Jesus And Divorce

What does Jesus say about divorce? The topic of divorce is real and hard for many people. The church has often been a source of hope and healing for those suffering with divorce, but has also often been a source of hurt and frustration for those suffering from divorce. Join us on our journey through the book of Matthew as we learn what God’s plan for marriage is, and what Jesus says about marriage and divorce.

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The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight

Jesus And Lust

What does the Bible say about sexual desire and lust? Sex and sexuality have become incredibly vital topics in our modern day, and as such we should understand what the Bible and Jesus claim to be the true design of sex and sexuality. Join us on our journey through the book of Matthew as Jesus attempts to restore the brokenness of God’s gift of sexuality to its original design.

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The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight

Christ and the Law

Can the Law change people’s hearts? Is that even the purpose of the Law, and if not what is the Law for? Should we, as followers of Christ, love God’s Law or should we hate it? Are unbelievers free from the constants of the Law, or are they under some compulsion to obey it as well? Join us on our journey through the book of Matthew as we discover how Christ relates to the Law and what that means for us as Christians.

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The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight

The Beatitudes - Blessed Are The Persecuted

Jesus claims in His Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the Persecuted…” What does it mean to suffer persecution for the sake of righteousness? What does it mean to suffer persecution on account of Jesus? Join us on our journey through the book of Matthew as we discover what Jesus means by persecution, and the persecution we should expect as His followers in our lives.

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The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight The Book of Matthew Isaiah Knight

The Beatitudes - This Makes Sense

The Beatitudes are statements Jesus makes about who is blessed in this world and what that looks like. And if you read these statements in chapter 5, they really betray our expectations of what blessing looks like. Join us in our journey through the book of Matthew as we explore blessings that don’t make sense according to this world, but make sense according to the kingdom of God.

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Isaiah Knight Isaiah Knight

Running The Race

Don’t grow weary or faint-hearted. Lay aside every weight, and the sin which clings so closely. Run with endurance the race that is set before you. Look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (ft. Tim Ringquist, Executive Pastor at Deer Creek Church).

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Follow the Star Isaiah Knight Follow the Star Isaiah Knight

Follow the Star: Mary’s Faith

Join us for our Advent series “Follow the Star.” Two people received the same promise of God coming to dwell with us. One was a king and the other an unknown teenage girl from a small town. One of them responds in faith, and the other in fear. We can learn a lot about our own faith as we look at the faith of Mary the mother of Jesus.

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Follow the Star Isaiah Knight Follow the Star Isaiah Knight

Follow the Star: Fear Not

The first of our Advent Series “Follow the Star.” Most of the characters we meet in the Christmas story received the message “Fear Not” when they encountered the divine message. Except for one…King Herod. And the reason may sound very familiar…

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Isaiah Knight Isaiah Knight

The Marketplace of the Soul

When was the last time you felt the freedom to just rest? Sometimes it can seem that God wants more and more from us. But the reality is that He commands us to rest. And ultimately offers rest to our souls. (ft. Daniel Nealon, Associate Pastor at Deer Creek Church).

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Who Am I? Isaiah Knight Who Am I? Isaiah Knight

Who Am I? Our Identity As Chosen By God

We all want to be chosen, and most of us have felt the pain of being passed over, overlooked or chosen last for something. Some would say we just need to "choose ourself" each day. But is that the best we can do? What would it mean if the God of the Universe chose you to be His treasured possession not based on anything you have to perform or do?

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Who Am I? Isaiah Knight Who Am I? Isaiah Knight

Who Am I? Our Identity As Forgiven Sinners

Sometimes an accurate diagnosis, even if it isn't what we want to hear, can be good news. It means that we can start looking for a solution rather than wondering, "What is wrong with me?" The Bible looks our problem straight in the eye and offers a surprising solution, presenting what really is the best news we will ever hear. (ft. Daniel Nealon, Associate Pastor at Deer Creek Church).

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