Sermon Series
- Becoming the Gospel - 1 and 2 Thessalonians
- Building A Summer Body
- Building Healthier Relationships
- Disconnected
- Follow the Star
- God's Story
- Joy To The Troubled World
- Left Right or Light?
- Missing Home
- Our Motto and Mission
- Prayer
- Psalms: Language For Life The Way It Is
- Renewed
- Romans: The Power of the Gospel
- Ruth: The Advent of A Redeemer
- Seen
- Stuck Inside
- The Book of Acts: Live Boldly
- The Book of Daniel
- The Book of Ephesians
- The Book of James
- The Book of Jonah: Running Away From God
- The Book of Judges
- The Book of Malachi
- The Book of Matthew
- The Gospel of Mark: Seeing Jesus
- The Holy Spirit
- The Life You've Always Wanted
- The Miracles of Christmas
- The Secret To Healthy Relationships
- The Sin of Racism
- The Spiritual Life
- The Ten Commandments
- Thrive: A Summer Series
- Twenty Twenty What?
- We Need Christmas
- Who Am I?
- Why Pray?
Formula or Faith? - James 5
Do you ever feel like you can’t get faith quite right? Like you are missing some part of the formula for getting God to draw near? The good news is that there is no formula for connecting to God! Join us as we finish our series on the book of James in the Bible looking at misconceptions about prayer, faith, and connecting with God.
Danger Ahead - James 5
Have you ever made the wrong decision because you didn’t know what was coming? Would you live life differently if you could see how it ends? Join us as we continue our series through the book of James in the Bible as we get a glimpse of what lies ahead down the road of life.
An Easier Way - James 4
Do you find yourself asking in a tiring world, “Isn’t there an easier way?” Join us as we continue our series in the book of James in the Bible as we look at why the way to make life work that seems easier often is not.
Is Faith Just Empty Words? - James 2
What happens when our faith becomes just empty words? How do we connect our faith with our actions like Jesus did?
Controlling Anger Before It Controls You - James 1
Are you able to control your anger or is your anger controlling you? Join us as we look at the wisdom the Bible offers on being quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry and where we find forgiveness when we fail.
The Hope of Resurrection - Easter at Elevate Hope 2021
Join us for our Easter message about a hope that goes beyond simply life re-emerging after COVID, but a hope that comes from a resurrection that affects our deepest hopes and longings for new life.
How To Outlive Your Money - Luke 12
We all want to invest in something that will outlast us. But few of us really know how. Join us as we look at what the Bible says about our relationship to our money and possessions and how to outlive our money.
Mission Madness - Genesis 12:3
Have you ever made a promise to someone you love? What would you do to keep it? Join us this Sunday as we learn about God’s promise to bless all nations through His people, and the part God has called you to play. (ft. Caleb Knedlik, Pastoral Assistant at Elevate Hope Centennial).
Loving An Abuser - Luke 6
Jesus said to love our enemies. What does that mean for situations of abuse? Join us as we take a hard look at one of Jesus’ most difficult commands and what it says about loving unsafe people.
Defeating Fear - Judges 4-5
Are you facing down a fear in your life you can’t defeat? Maybe it an unknown future, or something you know is coming but you can’t handle. Join us for this much needed perspective as we look at what the Bible has to say about defeating fear in your life.
Success In Relationships - Philippians 1
What is the key to success in any relationship? Join us as we look at what the Bible has to say about making relationships work no matter if you are single, married or somewhere in between!
Helpless - Judges 3
Do you feel strong some days and helpless or overlooked on other days? Helpless to get everything done. Helpless to really change something. Join us as we continue our series looking at what the Bible has to say about God’s strength and grace in our times of both ability and inability.
Tested - Judges 2-3
Is there a purpose too difficult times in our life? Where does difficulty come from and is there any hope in the midst of it? Join us as we look at what the Bible has to say about overcoming trials and tests in life.
Stopping The Cycle of Compromise - Judges 1-2
We all make compromises at times with what we know is right. How do we get out of the cycle of commitment to compromise? Join us for a new series as we look at what the Bible has to say about breaking the cycle of compromise in our life.
Twenty Twenty What? - Part 4
Are you ready to live free? Most of the things that we think will bring us freedom end up being our master. Join us as we look at how the Bible says we can have true freedom. (ft. Daniel Nealon, Associate Pastor at Deer Creek Church).
Twenty Twenty What? - Part 3
2021 has started out different than anyone could have imagined. A new year brings hope for change. What if there was one goal for change we could pursue this year that would put all other goals in perspective? Join us as we see what the Bible has to say about a goal that changes everything.
Twenty Twenty What? - Part 2
There is a lot of hope for 2021! But what if it comes with its own set of challenges? How do we be resilient people no matter what 2021 holds? Join us as we continue our series, "Twenty Twenty What?" (ft. Caleb Knedlik, Pastoral Assistant at Elevate Hope Centennial).
Twenty Twenty What? - Part 1
There is a lot of hope for 2021! But what if it comes with its own set of challenges? How do we be resilient people no matter what 2021 holds?