Romans: The Power of the Gospel - Romans 2:1-16

According to one recent Barna survey, when asked to describe Christians, 78% of Americans responded with “judgmental.” According to another survey, that number jumps to nearly 90% among Americans ages 16-29. That statement may be true but it also comes from a culture that itself judges and cancels a person without mercy for the smallest perceived infraction against the court of popular opinion. It seems that passing judgement might be a universal human problem rather than a problem only isolated to communities of faith. Why do Christians and human beings in general struggle with sitting in judgement over others? Let’s look at our passage today and see what judging others reveals about ourselves as human beings and if there is a way that the Bible says to put judgment in its proper place in our lives and in our world.


Romans: The Power of the Gospel - Romans 3


Romans: The Power of the Gospel - Romans 1:16-32