There are two major extremes that Christians are tempted to go to when it comes to what the Bible calls the Law: some say now that God has shown us His grace and forgiveness in Jesus, we can just discard God’s Law and live free of it. Others treat God’s Law as if it should still be something to be kept in its old place where it has always been before grace came to us through Christ; something that we still need to cling to in order to make sure we will be saved. We read things like Galatians 3 that make it seem like maybe God’s Law is something we don’t need anymore. But then we also read things like James 1:25 that declares blessing for those that follow the Law. So it seems like if the Law still is perfect, and brings freedom, and gives us blessing, why would we not want to still live by it? So which is it? Can we discard the Law of God in light of grace? Or does it still have a place in our lives? And why does it even matter? Let’s continue in Romans this morning.