Romans: The Power of the Gospel - Romans 6

Medical studies over the years of single, double and triple bypass heart patients, post-surgery, have found an astounding truth. Nearly 90% of heart bypass patients return to their former lifestyle and eating habits post-surgery despite the doctor’s warnings that doing so could lead to death. Why would they go back to something that they now know most certainly will lead to death? The Bible says we treat sin the same way we do many of these kinds of things. We keep returning to old things we swore we would never do again. We just celebrated Easter together; the wonderful truth of Jesus triumphantly leaving the tomb. And yet we so often willingly crawl back into the tomb of the sins that lead us into death even though we have been raised to new life with Christ. This morning we are back in our series on the book of Romans, looking at Chapter 6.


Romans: The Power of the Gospel - Romans 7


Easter Sunday 2023