Romans: The Power of the Gospel - Romans 7

Last week we looked at the glorious truth of Romans 6 that all those in Christ Jesus are no longer slaves to sin. We don’t have to obey it anymore. We can be alive to God in Christ Jesus and live as a new creation. And yet, I still struggle with doing things I don’t want to do. I still struggle with some of my past sins even as I consider myself a deep follower of Jesus. So what’s the deal? If sin is no longer my master, and the Bible keeps telling me I am free to pursue the goodness and righteousness of Christ, why does my life still seem like a tug of war between victory and failure? A battle between my sin and Christ’s righteousness? Is my life really an equal struggle between sin and obedience? Is it anyone’s guess which one wins on any given day? Is there any reason why I am a patient father one day, and a grouchy perfectionist parent the next? Why am I jealous, vindictive and insecure one moment, and full of faith the next? Let’s see what God’s Word says as we proceed to Romans 7.


Your Warrior King - Psalm 47


Romans: The Power of the Gospel - Romans 6