Christmas comes with a lot of waiting. Waiting in line at the post office, waiting in traffic, waiting for packages to arrive in time, waiting for cookies to be done. No one likes to wait, particularly at Christmas. If there is something I really want and there is a chance that no one will get it for me, I have been known to just take matters into my own hands and buy myself the gift rather than wait on someone to give it to me. What about you, what do you do when you are tired of waiting? In the suburbs we often just power over waiting with our own means. When stuck in traffic, we pay to get in the express lane. When waiting at the airport we pay for PreCheck. When waiting for a package we pay to have it come overnight. But what about when we are waiting on God? When there are things we can’t just power over? It seems like to wait is to admit in some way that you are human. Advent is a time when we are reminded of what it was like to be waiting for our Redeemer. For about 400 years the world lay in sin and error pining with seemingly no word from God about what His plan was. When we are tired of waiting on God, the temptation is always to just take matters into our own hands. The temptation when waiting on God is to either sin or to get cynical. We are in Ruth 3 this morning; Naomi, Ruth and Boaz have all been waiting on God to get something they want. What will they do when it doesn’t seem to happen?