In our modern age of streaming movies and binge watching shows, .it isn’t often that we get to feel the anxiety of a cliffhanger ending to our favorite dramas. Rather than wait a year for the sequel to hit theaters, or even just a week for the next episode…, we can just hit “Play Next” and relieve our anxiety. To be fair, books are that way too though, and I confess on many an occasion flipping to the last page of a book when I just couldn’t take the suspense. But when we do that we miss out. The joy of the last page is not as deep when you have missed the suffering, the waiting, and the highs and lows of the story. And so it is with Ruth; today we come to the final page. We have covered over 10 years of loss, bitterness, joy, suffering, poverty, hopes raised and hopes dashed. And from day one we have seen God just below the surface of everything that has been happening; always present but never seen, except in the kindness and love shown by Ruth and Boaz. God only shows His face in this drama, as He even does today, through the actions of His people. So this morning we get to see the end of the story, which, like all good stories, is just the beginning of another, greater story that we get to remember every Christmas Eve.