The Book of Daniel - Daniel 1

It’s a terrible feeling to feel out of place. Maybe you have felt out of place at a new job or a new school; maybe traveling abroad. My family lived in China for ten years and every day was a reminder that we were out of place. But you don’t have to live in a foreign country to feel like a stranger and exile; oftentimes you can feel like an exile in your own land. And that is what it can feel like as a follower of Jesus or a person of faith in a culture like ours. Exiles ask different questions than people in their own homeland, like: how did we get here? Will we ever feel at home? How do we keep our identity in this land of exile? We are starting a series on the Book of Daniel as a church. The name of the book makes us believe that it's a book about Daniel. But really, from start to finish, the book of Daniel is a book about Daniel’s God. Who is He? Where is He? And what is He up to? It’s about the power, mercy and sovereignty of Daniel’s God and our God. And it begins with God’s people living in exile in a foreign land.


The Book of Daniel - Daniel 2:1-30


The Way of Wisdom - Proverbs 9