We all want to know the future; we all want to solve the mystery of what will be. If only we knew the future we wouldn’t be anxious; if only we knew the future we could save ourselves pain and suffering; if only we knew the future we wouldn’t have to pray or have faith. We like mysteries, but only mysteries that we can solve. Mystery comes up a lot in the Bible. There are things that God knows and we don’t know, until and unless He chooses to reveal them. Mystery is why our life lived here is lived by faith. The idea of mystery found in Daniel shapes much of the meaning and understanding of mystery and God’s will throughout the rest of the entire Scriptures. Mystery helps us understand why Jesus speaks in parables to the crowds. It helps us understand more of who God is and how we can trust Him even when we don’t know what He is doing. We are in a series looking at the Book of Daniel together, and in Chapter 2, King Nebuchadnezzar has a problem. He is confronted with a mystery only God can reveal.