The Holy Spirit - Creation and Recreation

Think about all the ways you have changed as a person, sometimes for the good and sometimes not. What about if I see you again after thousands of years, would you have changed? That is how we think of the work of the Holy Spirit sometimes. When we think about the Holy Spirit, it can seem like He was silent or different all throughout the Old Testament, and then suddenly shows up with personality and power only after Pentecost. But, if we look at the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, we see clearly that He was doing much of the same work as He is in the New. Like a room that was dark but is illuminated, where suddenly you can see all that it contains, the coming of Jesus simply brought into clearer view what was already true about the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. This morning I want to share some amazing and encouraging things about the Spirit’s person and work in the Old Testament. Not just for information, but to get to know the Holy Spirit as a friend; to know Him personally enough to begin to ask for, look for and to expect His work in prayer and in your life. So let’s start at the first place we see the Holy Spirit’s work in our Bible: at creation.


The Holy Spirit - The Greatest Gift


The Holy Spirit - Living Water for Daily Life