The Holy Spirit - Living Water for Daily Life

We have this machine, this system of living, that we call the Christian Life. We have church, we have our Bible reading, we have our praying; and those things are good. But our Christian life, which was meant to be a life-giving relationship with the Divine, often feels dry and powerless, devoid of both refreshment and power. We have substituted the machine itself as the source of life and power. We have tried to get Jesus from things outside of us, when the offer of Jesus is this: “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”You see, without the coming of the Holy Spirit to bring us that living water within us, to unite us to the source of that living water, Jesus, our Christian life becomes dry, powerless and distant. It remains only something that happened to us in the past rather than an ongoing river of new life and new strength for today.


The Holy Spirit - Creation and Recreation


Exodus: Developing Identity