Sermon Series
- Becoming the Gospel - 1 and 2 Thessalonians
- Building A Summer Body
- Building Healthier Relationships
- Disconnected
- Follow the Star
- God's Story
- Joy To The Troubled World
- Left Right or Light?
- Missing Home
- Our Motto and Mission
- Prayer
- Psalms: Language For Life The Way It Is
- Renewed
- Romans: The Power of the Gospel
- Ruth: The Advent of A Redeemer
- Seen
- Stuck Inside
- The Book of Acts: Live Boldly
- The Book of Daniel
- The Book of Ephesians
- The Book of James
- The Book of Jonah: Running Away From God
- The Book of Judges
- The Book of Malachi
- The Book of Matthew
- The Gospel of Mark: Seeing Jesus
- The Holy Spirit
- The Life You've Always Wanted
- The Miracles of Christmas
- The Secret To Healthy Relationships
- The Sin of Racism
- The Spiritual Life
- The Ten Commandments
- Thrive: A Summer Series
- Twenty Twenty What?
- We Need Christmas
- Who Am I?
- Why Pray?
Fake Fruits - Matthew 7
Have you ever been turned off by the life or actions of someone claiming to follow Jesus? Are people saying things because that is what Jesus said or in spite of what Jesus said? Join us as we continue in our series in the book of Matthew looking at what Jesus says about those who claim to speak His words and do His works but really don’t.
Asking And (Not) Receiving - Matthew 7
Have you ever had a moment where someone promised you something and let you down? Jesus says, "Ask and you will receive." But what happens when that doesn't work out? Is there a reason for unanswered prayer? Join us as we look at what Jesus says about prayer from the Bible.
Patience Through Change
When it comes to getting rid of bad or difficult things in our lives, we can become impatient. Often, we want to just get rid of it. But our impatience can lead us to rip out the good with the bad. Jesus tells us a story of how God is patient with both weeds and wheat, and allows them to grow up together for a time for our good.
True Acceptance
What would it feel like to be truly and completely accepted no matter what you have done or who you are? Jesus tells a story that shows us the answer.
The Sin of Racism - Part 2
Multi-ethnic reconciliation and unity is a complicated issue in our divided world. Is there any vision for unity amid our diversity that can give us hope? Join us for Part 2 of our Series “The Sin of Racism” as we explore what the Bible has to say about race, division, and God’s heart for unity even amid difference.
The Sin of Racism - Part 1
What does the Bible have to say about racial inequality, injustice and prejudice? What are we as growing disciples of Jesus to do about it personally and corporately? Join us for our series “The Sin of Racism” as we look together as a community at this sin that grieves the heart of God and plagues our nation, and at the hope that Jesus provides if we are willing to listen.
I Can’t Hear You - Matthew 7
Do you ever feel like you are getting nowhere in a relationship? Much of the conflict in our society and in our personal lives could disappear with one simple skill...Knowing when to talk and when to listen. Join us as we continue looking at the life and words of Jesus from the book of Matthew in the Bible and what Jesus says about talking and listening. (ft. Duane Cory, Lead Pastor at Deer Creek Church).
Judge Not - Matthew 7
Jesus' words were simple: Judge Not. Yet we love to judge others. Whether it's on social media, or our political opinion or in our thoughts. What makes us so prone to this bad habit? Join Elevate Hope Centennial as we continue looking at the life of Jesus from the Bible. (ft. Duane Cory, Lead Pastor at Deer Creek Church).
Unforgiveness: The Ultimate Scam
We all struggle with forgiving people in our life. Why is it so hard? Is forgiveness even possible in every situation? Join us this Sunday at 10am on Facebook as we continue to look at how Jesus prayed and how He says forgiveness is actually possible.
Enough For Tomorrow? - Matthew 6
Do you have enough strength, courage, wisdom, and provision for today? What about tomorrow? We all wonder that at some level in an ever changing world. What if you could be certain you not only had enough for today, but enough for tomorrow as well? Join us this Sunday at 10am for our latest message "Enough For Tomorrow" as we continue to look at how Jesus prayed from the book of Matthew in the Bible.
The Lord’s Prayer - Matthew 6
A look into The Lord's Prayer; Is it just empty religious repetition, or is it an invitation into something more?
Why Pray? - Matthew 6
Why do we pray? Prayer can be the most comforting and confusing thing humans do. Will we always get an answer? Does God hear us? What should be pray for? Join us for our newest series as we look at Jesus' words on prayer from the Bible.
“Rewarded” - Giving and Rewards - Matthew 6
Even as measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are backed off, the effects of this pandemic will be felt for a long time. Generosity, giving and kindness will be needed more than ever as we deal with job loss, isolation, and helping those in need.
Suffering With God
Where is God when we are suffering? Can He stop it? Is it caused by something I've done? Our hearts ask so many questions in times of grief and loss. Join us for a perspective that may not provide all the answers. But certainly changes the question. A message of hope for a complex issue that affects our daily lives.
The Life You’ve Always Wanted In The Time You Have Left - Part 3
How would you describe your life right now? Satisfying? Or are you thirsty for something more? Our 3rd and final message in our series, “The Life You've Always Wanted In The Time You Have Left” will help you discover the abundant and satisfying life offered to you through the Holy Spirit. Learn how to drink deeply from the greatest gift you could ever imagine.
The Life You’ve Always Wanted In The Time You Have Left - Part 2 - Easter at Elevate Hope 2020
Welcome to our Easter Worship Service at Elevate Hope Centennial! Do you ever wonder what awaits after death? Americans spend billions of dollars each year trying to stay young and avoid death. But what would it mean for the human condition of death was not the end? No matter if you are a believer or a skeptic, the possibility of resurrection changes everything. Discover what the Bible has to say about “The Life You’ve Always Wanted In The Time You Have Left” (Part 2). Even life after death.
The Life You’ve Always Wanted In The Time You Have Left - Part 1
Do you ever feel like you need more than just a change of circumstance? More than just a solution that simply patches you up to get back to normal life again? Maybe the life we have always wanted is not just change, but resurrection. The chance for something completely new. Join us for this three week series exploring what the Bible says about resurrection. It might just be the life you’ve always wanted.
Stuck Inside - Part 2
Part 2 of our series "Stuck Inside" talks about living out the Golden Rule from the Bible during these stressful and uncertain times. Coronavirus has many of us stuck inside with family or roommates. But friends and family can quickly become enemies in tight spaces. Find out how to have the power, perspective and strength to treat others how you want to be treated even when that is really difficult! And what happens when we don't? Get unstuck in your relationships even as we are all stuck inside!